Well, after months of trying to decide when the time was right to potty train, Aiden is showing a lot of interest, so we decided to go ahead and jump right in. He is doing GREAT!!! I went ahead and put him in a pull-up this morning and he hasn't wet it at all and has gone pee in the potty many times. He even went in the big toilet at the library after story time! And....drum roll please....went POOP in the potty too!!! He usually poops in his diaper while I am putting Ava down for her afternoon nap, so this afternoon when I went to take her upstairs and he said, "I am going to go hide now..." (toddler code for: I am going to make a load in my pants now) I said, "Hey buddy, why don't you sit here on your potty while I give Ava her bottle and when I come back down we'll see if poop came out, ok?" To my complete disbelief I came downstairs, he stood up and said, "I did it! I made poop and pee, just like Michael did!" Michael is the main character in the book above, My Big Boy Potty. (Thank you again Susan for lending us the potty and this book!). Then Aiden took a look in his potty and said, "WHOA! WHAT is THAT?" Lol. I guess he wasn't expecting it to look like what it did! He cracks me up sometimes.
Cross you fingers for us that Aiden continues having such great success! He really seems to get the concept and I think that pooping in the potty on his very first day is a good sign! My little boy is getting so big!
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