A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Thursday, October 9, 2008

More Aiden funnies...

Aiden has been saying some pretty funny stuff lately, so I wanted to share it with you all.

Aiden loves to compliment Ava on her outfit, and then compliment himself for being nice to her, lol. "Oh Ava, I love your white dress. That's really beautiful! Aw, so cute. That was really nice of me, Mommy. I am sooooo nice!" Not so modest though, kid;)

We were driving in the car the other day and we stopped at a red light. Aiden said, "Mommy, they're DANCING!! Ooh, they're dancing!" I asked him, "Who's dancing, sweetie?" "The trees Mommy, aren't they beautiful? It's sooo windy and they are dancing!"

The other morning Aiden was playing with his cars and having a little conversation with himself. I caught part of it and this is what I heard, "...what else does Aiden like to do? Aiden likes to read books...and play cars...what else does Aiden like to do? Aiden likes to paint pictures...and color with crayons...what else does Aiden like to do? Aiden likes to play trains...and go to the store..."

Aiden is really getting good at spelling. Almost any word that he sees (stop signs, store signs, etc) he spells out loud and asks me what it says. This morning we went to Target and as we were walking in the parking lot he said, "T-A-R-G-E-T spells...Circle Store!" I said, "Well, we call this store the Circle Store because it has a circle next to it's name, but T-A-R-G-E-T actually spells Target, the name of the Circle Store." Aiden looked confused for a minute and then said, "No it doesn't Mommy. I can read--it SAYS Circle Store!" Apparently Aiden can read...but not really;)