A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ava and Ollie sittin' in a tree...

We have a weekly playdate with one of Aiden's friends, Henry, and he happens to have a baby brother, Ollie, just 6 weeks older than Ava. Love is in the air:) Ava and Ollie really do seem to get a kick out of each other--they always smile at each other and love to lay on the floor together. So cute!!!

A chunky monkey drama queen

Ava had her 4 month check-up today. She is a chunker! She weighed in at 15 lbs 6 oz--a weight that her big brother didn't get to until he was 5.5 months old and well into solid food already. She is also, like her mama, a bit of a drama queen. She threw up half her bottle all over the nurse who tried giving her an oral shot, and then screamed bloody murder for almost 20 minutes after her shots. Both the pediatrician and the nurse said they had never seen a baby cry so hard and so long after shots--poor girl! She's recovered fine though and was in her regular good spirits tonight, thankfully! The Dr. wants us to start solids soon since she's waking up more at night. I bought some infant oatmeal and we might just give it a try this weekend. But then again, we might wait a while too. I guess ultimately it will be up to the princess herself!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Aiden has a new "cheese" face that he was modeling for me yesterday.
And look at Ava being a big girl in the high chair!
It is hard to believe that it's almost time for her to start baby cereal!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ava being silly

Ava's favorite new thing is to have me try to make her eat her own foot. She thinks this is just hilarious every time:)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

So strong!

Ava isn't even 4 months old yet, and she is obsessed with standing. If she ever gets fussy, all you need to do is stand her up and she's happy again. It must be fun to get a whole new point of view!
This morning I stood her up propped against the couch and she stayed there smiling for almost 3 whole minutes!! Even Aiden, who walked so early, couldn't do that until he was almost 7 months old!
Now if only we could get her arms as strong as her legs, lol. She still can't even lift her chest off the ground, but she can support her whole body weight on her legs for minutes at a time. Seems kind of backwards to me!

Sweet dreams...

Poor Aiden. When I went to get him out of his crib this morning, it was clear that he had just awoken from the sweetest of all toddler dreams: Aiden thought it was Christmas morning. His first words to me were, "Let's go open presents, Mommy! I got presents! I got Scarloey!" Scarloey is a red engine from Thomas the Tank Engine--his favorite new train to play with at the bookstore. Unfortunately, he does NOT have this train, nor was it waiting downstairs for him wrapped under a lighted tree. I tried explaining this, that is was not Christmas and there weren't any presents to open today, but Aiden wouldn't have it. "Let's go Mommy! Let's go open presents!"

You can only imagine the look of total disappointment on his face when he raced down the stairs and into the living room to discover there was no tree and no presents. Poor Aiden. I don't think I've ever seen him look so confused or sad. :(

It must be hard to be a 2 year old, to lack the ability to discern between wonderful dreams and true reality. Christmas is a long way off--I hope this doesn't become a recurring dream for Aiden! I'll feel so sad to have to explain every morning that it isn't, in fact, Christmas after all!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Some pics from today

Building me a tower (and then knocking it over)

Aiden's new "cheese" face

Aiden loves the Bumbo more than Ava does!
Who said this seat is just for babies?

This picture came out fuzzy all on its own because he was swinging,
but I like the way it turned out!

Aiden was in a pretty good mood this afternoon, despite no nap (due to poopy pants, no less). He is really loving to build with his blocks these days, and doing it on the porch made it a lot more fun for some reason. He loves spending time on the porch now that the weather is gorgeous--he searches the yard for cardinals and "buzzy bees" as he calls them (the giant fuzzy-backed bees that you can hear from a mile away).

We really had a nice afternoon! Enjoy the new pics!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A scrapbook page

I don't have much time for scrapbooking these days, but I put together a quick page of my favorite pics of Ava. I hope you like it! (click on the image for the full view)

Time is going by so fast

I feel like time is flying by at warp speed these days. The past 3.5 months are a blur--I can hardly believe that Ava is already the same age Aiden was when he took his first trip back to MI and OH. She is growing up so fast, already loving her exersaucer (although you can see in the picture she isn't quite tall enough yet and needs a pillow to prop up her feet!).
Ava is pretty much the polar opposite of Aiden as a baby. While Aiden was always tense, straining or screaming, never content in one place, Ava is usually happy to sit and watch the world. She falls asleep out and about pretty easily (although that is happening less and less as she gets more interested in the world around her!). She is so smiley and happy most of the time. She goes to bed at night without so much as a peep. It has constantly amazed me how different two babies who have the same parents can be!
My babies won't be babies for much longer. Aiden starts preschool in August and by then Ava will be 9 months old already--the same age her brother was when he started walking! Time is flying by so fast. One thing is for sure, even on the toughest of days around here, I am trying to take time to savor the little moments. They will be gone before I know it.

Goodbye Duchess

Goodbye Duchess. You were a good dog, very obedient and well-trained. You loved biscuits and rolling around in the grass. You had a good, long life. We will miss you--you will always be in our hearts.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown

Saturday, April 12, 2008

New videos of the kids!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Daddy's big helper

Aiden just loves to help Chuck with outdoor chores lately, especially mowing the lawn. There is nothing more precious than when he hears the lawnmower starting up and starts yelling over and over, "Help Daddy! Help Daddy!" He really gets a kick out of trying to steer and reaching for all of the control. It won't be long before Chuck has him doing it on his own, I'm sure!

Picasso is just eating it up!

For a special treat, Aiden helped me add food coloring to pudding and he had a very fun and tasty snack! He really liked trying all of the different colors and painting with the pudding. I sure had a heck of a time trying to get the blue off of his face and hands though!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bikini baby

You've got to admit, pretty much everyone loves a baby in a bikini. Am I right or am I right? I'm probably a teensy bit partial, but I think she's the cutest!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two is TOUGH! (Just ask Aiden)

Who knew being two could be so hard? Aiden did, apparently.

Since taking the binky away last week, we've had our fair share of ups and downs. Well, mostly downs, to be quite honest. Aiden has regressed a bit with his "bad behaviors," including hitting, yelling, and the like. It isn't pretty.

I try to remind myself (about 100 times a day) what it must feel like to be two. He hasn't had 27 whole years, like I have, to figure out how to control his emotions and act accordingly. Aiden just acts like, well, Aiden. He is a typical two-year old, I think--yelling when he gets mad, hitting when he doesn't get his way. I am trying my very best to teach him to respect his parents and be a nice boy. I like to think that he really is a good, sweet boy--he just has trouble expressing it sometimes!

One thing he is very good at these days is helping his sissy:) He loves to help her "play" with her toys, give Ava her lovey (Pinky Bear), and hug her and tell me that she is "so cute." He is becoming very affectionate with her and it is very heartwarming to witness!

One thing is for sure, being two is tough. I hope that it gets easier as the year goes on, but only time will tell. I guess they don't call it the Terrible Two's for nothing!

Friday, April 4, 2008

What a BIG BOY!!!

Last night was Aiden's first night without his beloved binky. We asked him to throw away his binky yesterday, and he did! I reminded him all day that he was a big boy and didn't need his binky any more because binkies are for babies. He got a "special present" (his words, not mine!)--the Fisher-Price Little People Castle--and really enjoyed playing with it all day. He even kept reminding me that his "special castle, special present" was because he was a big boy and "all gone binky!"

He went to bed like normal just after 7pm, talked in his crib for about 20 minutes, and then slept through until 6:30am. An early wake-up time, but he did so good for his first night, considering he's slept with a binky since he was about 4 months old! (Now if Ava hadn't gotten up 3 times, then I might have gotten a good night's sleep!)

My little boy is growing up so fast!

Ava doing tummy time

Ava doesn't care much for tummy time--but Aiden tries to make it more bearable for her by joining in too!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ava laughing!

Our new page!

I finally joined the revolution and created our own blog! Obviously if you've found this page, you already know the address, but here it is just in case: www.aabcbailey.blogspot.com. I'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing, so bear with me for a while, but check in often for updates on the kids, new pictures and slideshows, and even video clips!

Hurray for blogs!