A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Layout Troubles...

I'm not the most technologically savvy person out there, but I am having troubles with my Blogger layout and can not for the life of me figure it out. The blog archives and my sidebar pictures have been moved to the bottom of the blog for some reason. I've even deleted everything and started from scratch and it isn't fixing the problem. If anyone can think what I might be doing wrong, please let me know! Otherwise, until further notice, the archived posts are available at the bottom of the page. Thanks!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Amazing Aiden

After playing "restaurant" at a friend's house this afternoon, Aiden wanted to continue the game at home and I snapped these pics of my happy boy being a chef. To be fair, he did complain that it was a "girl's chef outfit--and I am not a girl!" So if anyone sees a boy's chef dress-up set somewhere, let me know, lol.

I'm definitely encouraging his budding chef persona--who wouldn't love a man that can cook? And Bobby Flay isn't rich for nothing, lol.

My little man has been quite the sweetie lately. Since Chuck left, I can tell that he is feeling more protective of me and he's been much more affectionate with me than normal, which has been awesome! I was crying the other day (just missing Chuck) and Aiden asked, "Did Daddy make you cry? Oh that Daddy, what are we going to do with him? Don't worry Mom, I'll set him straight when he visits and make him apologize for making you cry!" Aiden is my little lion cub, very protective of his Mama:) He is so smart and very intuitive. He's gotten very good at listening and following directions and frequently tells me that he is "putting my listening ears on, Mom!" He's been doing great at school, participating in the art projects without too much fuss (he's been anti-art for quite a while now, lol), and not getting any bad behavior reports. He's also been much nicer to his sister lately, sharing his toys and telling her that he loves her:) My sweet boy makes my heart melt sometimes!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Speaking Ava-ese

Before I had children, I often wondered how parents could understand anything a toddler said. But now, I understand. It is a matter of speaking their language, quite literally. And I am proud to announce that I, for one, am fluent in Ava-ese. The rest of the world? Not so much, lol. Even her own brother can't understand most of what she is saying!

This isn't to say that she doesn't TRY to talk a lot, she does. She is just very difficult to understand because her pronunciation is so terrible. I know it will improve greatly this year, but I thought I would give a few examples so you know how impressive it is that I speak Ava-ese! ;)

This morning (Aiden is still sleeping!) Ava and I were watching Blues Clues and Steve was wearing a super cape and a mask. Ava asked, "Where A-ah superigh? Where A-ah sun-sun?" This means, "Where is Ava's supercape? Where are Ava's sunglasses?" After we had found them and put them on, she demanded, "I ant De-stowy! Boss! Wooeee!!" This means, "I want Toy Story! Buzz! Woody!" SShe didn't want to watch the movie though, she just wanted to play with her toys, which took me several more minutes to figure out.

One word that is universal in English and Ava-ese though, is definitely NO, lol. "Ava, it's time to change your diaper." Ava's response of course? "No no no no no no no no no!!!!! NO bipa!" Bipa is diaper, but you probably figured that out for yourself;) Happy weekend! (I promise next week's posts will be more about Aiden!)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Have you seen our pet rat?

I only ask because it clearly escapes from my darling daughter's hair every morning, lol. This is a rat's nest if I've ever seen one! I always thought that Aiden had bad bedhead, but Ava's is infinitely worse. I know now that she'll probably never be able to have long hair, or I would have to spend half the morning working the tangles out of it!

This picture of Aiden just makes me laugh because he has such a funny look on his face:)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Primping princess

Ava has been so funny this week. I always take a shower after the kids are up and dressed, so they usually just play in their rooms while I shower and get ready. This week, Ava has taken a sudden interest in my routine, and demands that she be included in every step, lol. When she sees me brushing my teeth, she runs into their bathroom and gets her stool and her toothbrush and asks Aiden to put toothpaste on her brush. Then she stands and brushes her teeth for AGES (like 20 minutes this morning!) smiling at herself and exclaiming, "Brush! Brush teeth!" Next she hears me blowdrying my hair and goes to get her play hairdryer. But hers doesn't make noise so then she demands that I actually blowdry her hair (which helps with her static since my blowdryer is an ion dryer, so that's an added benefit, lol). She loves sitting up on the counter while I spray her hair wet and blow it dry. Then she INSISTS on makeup. I give her an old compact and a makeup brush and she sits there dipping the brush into the compact and rubbing it all over her face while I finish up my routine. She always wants "lickstick" too, so she gets some chapstick (which is also helping with her chapped winter lips--more benefits! lol). Finally she pronounces herself, "All done A-ah!" (she can't say Ava so she pronounces her name A-ah) and then insists that I get dressed, "Come on Mommy, dets go. Mommy dressed! Mommy shirt! Mommy tights (she calls all pants tights), mommy dressed!"

It's all very cute but seeing as how this week is the first full week of preschool since early December, I'd better be adding an hour in the morning so we can complete Ava's new beauty routine! Lol.

On the plus side, Aiden has also taken an interest in doing more of his own morning routine himself and is FINALLY (I knew he would do it eventually if I didn't push him into it) dressing himself, brushing his own teeth (with a final check from Mommy, of course), attempting to comb his own hair, and even buckling his own carseat. I've been waiting a long while for him to get into "I'll do it myself" mode so it is nice that it has finally happened:) Let's hope it lasts!

This was a long post--and no new pictures--but I promise I'll take some and post this week:) Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Just some funny things the kids have been saying this week. If I don't write them down, I know I'll forget!

It might snow this week. Aiden told me, "I'm going to turn into a pinecone, roll around in the snow, and then turn into a butterfly, but it will be too cold, so then I'll just turn back into me again!"

We were at the mall the other day and all of a sudden Aiden started patting his pockets and said, "Aw MAN! I forgot my wallet at home! Shoot. Now I won't be able to buy anything. I'll have to remember to bring it next time!" He got a wallet for Christmas from my friend Brigid. I thought it was funny that he thinks that you just have to have a wallet to buy things, not actually money, lol.

We were riding in the car and Ava saw the moon out the window. It is a crescent moon right now and she exclaimed, "Wook Mommy! Moon! Oh no Mommy, moon broke! Fix it?" That made me laugh.

We've been chatting with Chuck in the evenings on the computer using Skype (which is awesome btw). Yesterday Ava went over to the computer in the morning and started shouting at it, "Hewo? Daddy, are you there? Do? (which is what she says when she is asking, "What are you doing?").

Ava's also been "calling" Daddy on every play phone she owns, multiple times a day. She picks up a phone, yells (LOUDLY), "Hewo? Daddy? Do? I wub oo Daddy! O-tay, bye bye Daddy!" and then hangs up. It cracks me up, but makes me sad at the same time:( Aiden tried to convince me he heard the garage door opening this morning and that Daddy came home, but of course he didn't, and Aiden was so disappointed:(

Anyway, just a few funnies:) Hope everyone is having a good week!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New computer!

Well, our 6-yr-old laptop is not running so hot these days (and some days barely functioning at all), making staying connected to Chuck a real pain. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who told me to go buy a new computer...so I did! I got one of the new netbooks, designed specifically for the internet, webchats, pictures, and not much else. It is absolutely perfect for what I need, and so far I completely love it!!

Here are some newer pics. The kids are really having fun playing dress-up this week--Aiden FINALLY decided he likes his Buzz Lightyear Halloween costume (better late than never!). He is shooting his laser in the one picture, in case you couldn't tell, lol.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Winds of Change are Blowing..

Chuck left this morning for Ohio. We miss him already:( This is going to be a challenging time for both of us, and for the kids also as they really love their Daddy and will miss seeing him every day. We've been so fortunate to have him working from home all month and able to spend Christmas, Ava's birthday, and New Year's here in GA with us. At first I was nervous about him working from home, but it turned out to be a wonderful month and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We're still trying to figure out the best way to do this, and for now we've decided to stick it out here in GA for a few months and see if we can sell this house! It beats staying indoors all winter up in Ohio, that is for sure:)

I am remaining hopeful and staying positive about our situation. As the weather warms up here in GA, the real estate market should pick up. Hopefully we don't have to stay apart too long, and our house sells quickly. There really is nothing left to have except faith:) If you're reading this, please keep our family in your thoughts!

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~Author Unknown

PS--the old laptop isn't recognizing my SD card from my camera, so until I can figure out what the issue is, there won't be any new pics for a while. I know, I am bummed too:( Crappy 6-yr-old laptop!