A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Year, New Direction

2013 is actually off to a pretty exciting start for our family. Chuck and I both started new jobs! I am really proud of Chuck for getting a promotion in the pricing department. He is now supervising the pricers for Louisiana, Minnesota, Arkansas and Illinois, and he is doing a great job! It was a pretty significant move for him, and though it means no more working from home (and I miss him!), I am really proud of him.

After working at the Y for a little over a year, I was at Morley library in December and saw a posting for an assistant librarian in Children's Services. I knew immediately that I wanted the job, and it was just a matter of going for it and giving it my all. I interviewed shortly after New Year's and started on January 11th. It is going so well! I work some pretty strange hours, which has meant finding childcare for 2 days a week, but I'm lucky to have great friends who help me out and latchkey for Aiden on Friday afternoons. I am working Monday 5-9, Tuesday 5:30-9, Wednesday 9-1, Friday 1-6, every other Saturday 9-5 and one Sunday a month 1-5. Not ideal hours, but the job fits me perfectly. I get to do 3 of the Young Family Story times a week and Tuesday evenings I run Stories Plus for kids ages 6-10. I absolutely love it. The head librarian is just an amazing person who I get along with so well. I feel so lucky to have found a job I love that still gives me a lot of time home with my kids during the day several days a week.

Yes, 2013 is really starting off right for us! We even bought new furniture for the living room: a couch, loveseat and recliner. We love it! 

Ava's 5th Birthday

I'm catching up on my blogging on the ride home from Michigan! We had such a wonderful visit meeting Abby, I just love her so much!

I'm so glad my sister told me about the Blogger app, because it makes posting blogs so much simpler! And since most of my pictures are on my phone anyway, it is a cinch now!

Here are some of the pics from my baby girl's party. She had a Hello Kitty theme and had 9 of her friends come over for Hello Kitty mini pizzas, cake and ice cream, and some games. They had so much fun! She is really a lucky girl to have so many great friends!

Meeting My New Niece

This weekend we made a quick trip to MI to meet my twin sister and her husband's new baby girl! Abigail Elizabeth Main was born on January 20th, 2013, and weighed 6lbs 13oz. We made the drive to meet Abby and she is such an amazing sweetheart. A really calm baby who hardly ever cries, which is such a change from how Aiden was when he was a baby! My sister Liz is doing such a great job as a new mother, I am so proud of her!

More to come later, I'm testing the Blogger app and posting from my phone for the first time. We will see how this turns out!