A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today is the big day!

We're leaving this afternoon on our big trip! We can't wait to see everyone and have a wonderful time:)

PS--I tried uploading a video of Ava playing her instruments, but it never went through, I think because it is too big. I will try it again after we get home. You'll have wait to see her in person I guess! :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas cards: Help me pick!

I need help choosing our Christmas card this year. (I will be taking some family pics on our trip, but since Ava now has a HUGE scab on her forehead from a fall this morning, I doubt any of them will make the cut!).

Please leave a comment and tell me if you like #1, #2 or #3 better for our Christmas card this year! Thanks!!

Winter photo shoot

Just a quick photo shoot. I noticed that I had dressed both of the kids in blue yesterday, so I promised Aiden a lollipop if he would sit nicely with his sissy for some pictures, lol. Not too bad considering Aiden had horrible diarrhea and Ava has a double ear infection. Did I mention Chuck has a sinus infection AND pinkeye??? I shudder to think what one of us might get next! 3 out of 4 of us are on antibiotics right now! Better this week than next, right?

We're so looking forward to seeing everyone very soon!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Just a few misc. pics. The first two pics are the kids BIG Christmas presents from Santa this year, I am so excited! Aiden is getting a workbench and Ava is getting this baby doll nursery center. She's too young for it now but by 18 months old, over the summer, she'll definitely be into pretend play by then. I can't wait for Christmas this year!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Experimenting with layouts...

I've only just recently discovered that I can upload different HTML layouts for Blogger, just like Myspace. So bear with me as I try out new layouts and layout codes, as there might be some inconsistencies between sites. Thanks in advance!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Halloween scrapblog

A simple Halloween scrap page of the kids:) (click on the picture to see it full size)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bow photo shoot

My friend Holly makes hairbows for babies and girls and asked if she could use Ava as a model for her website that she is getting up and running. Of course I said, "Absolutely!" I don't have any of the pictures from the shoot that we did yesterday, but I did take some this afternoon in the backyard with Ava modeling one of Holly's adorable flower bows. Isn't it so cute? Ava's red cheeks and the purple outfit and bow really pop against the green grass and yellow leaves. I think some of the pictures turned out really great!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pics from the Rock Ranch

Some pics from The Rock Ranch on Saturday (we went back to get my wedding ring that I had lost and someone had found!). It was another beautiful fall day in GA--sunny and 70 degrees.

This first pic is the pumpkin cannon, trying to shoot a pumpkin out into a field and hit a van. It missed every time!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fall pics

Some misc. pics from the past few days. It is so beautiful here right now! It was 79 degrees and sunny today, but all the leaves are changing and it is just gorgeous out.

This is an apple from our apple tree in the backyard! Aiden and I have been picking the apples and leaving them on the ground for the deer to eat. I saw a fawn eating them all up today when the kids were napping!