A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Saturday, July 12, 2008

He said...

Well, if this isn't proof that maybe you CAN read to your kids too much, then I don't know what is.

Aiden has started narrating his life to us. Quite literally. He has started to do this very quirky thing--adding "he said" to most of the things he says, just like you would hear if it was being read from a book.

"Good morning Mommy....he said."
"Where is my Daddy?...he said."
"No, I don't want to try broccoli...he said."
"WOW!!!...he said." (Chuck got quite the laugh out of that one, lol)

We're hoping that if we ignore this little phase, then he'll stop doing it. It certainly is interesting at least! Ah the toddler stage, a new phase every week:) Gotta love it, right?...she said. (he he he, I couldn't resist!)