A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ava's 6 month stats

Ava had her 6 month check-up yesterday. She did much better with her shots than in the past, recovering within a few minutes instead of, oh, say, an hour, lol. The Dr. was none too impressed that she isn't rolling yet or pulling up or getting onto all 4's, but she attributed that to Ava's weight and said that she's sure she'll do it all in her own time:)

Ava weighed 18 lbs even and was 27.5 inches long. She's in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. A bit different than her brother was was an even 16 lbs at 6 months old and only 26 inches long.

I am going to try to take some 6 month pics of Ava today with a little photo shoot. I'll post those later!