A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Through the eyes of a child

The kids and I have been going for a walk every morning when Chuck leaves for work. It's a good thing to do to kill time before Ava's nap, and it's about the only time of day when the heat is bearable!

This morning Aiden saw a car that was covered by a tarp. A little bit of the quarter panel was sticking out, so you could see that the car was yellow. Aiden said to me, "Look at that yellow car Mommy! That yellow car is sleeping, he is fast asleep." It took me a minute to realize what he meant--the car had a "blanket," so of course it was sleeping! How easy it was to see after he pointed it out to me.

Sometimes we all need to be reminded of the wonderful innocence of childhood. How simple and black and white everything is. I miss those days (I barely remember them!), but I'm happy to be able to experience them again through my children. I think that is one of the most wonderful gifts that children give to us--the ability to experience things again in a new light, to remember the innocence that we've somehow lost along the way.