A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Friday, June 27, 2008

Planes, trains and automobiles

Aiden is a boy's boy, that is for sure. If it's a car, plane, train or truck, you can bet he will play with it ALL day long. His train table set seems to be growing more impressive by the day, mainly because I can't resist a Thomas clearance sale when I see one! A friend forwarded me a coupon for a free train and we trecked 30 miles to the nearest Toys 'R Us just to use our coupon--who could say no to a FREE train? Then I picked up the fire station for 50% off at the bookstore this morning, and it made for one HAPPY boy all morning long! He cried when I put him down for a nap because he didn't want to stop playing. Here's a pic of the table that Chuck made Aiden for Christmas and it's ever-growing layout and multitude of trains!