A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I just don't get it

Well, it's official, I really just don't understand my son. I'm sure other moms of boys are with me a little bit on this one. I guess because I am so much a "girl" and Aiden is so much a "boy," well, we just don't see eye to eye on things very often.

This morning we went to Kohl's just to get out of the house for a bit without using half a tank of gas to drive all the way across town. Aiden loves to look at toys at any store we go to. Ava was her usual easy, happy self (thank goodness!), but Aiden, forget about it. He has so many cars at home that he couldn't play with all of them in a WEEK. He has cars coming out of his ears!! But anywhere we go, he NEEDS another car. When I told him that we already have a Lightning McQueen at home and we are NOT buying another one, he totally lost it. I haven't seen a tantrum like this in a while, and trust me, I've seen some good ones! Our outing ended with me carrying one kicking, screaming little boy out of Kohl's under my arm (Ava barely noticed, by the way). I've never seen so many strangers stare at me in horror and disgust as my shrieking little boy let the whole store know just how unhappy he was.

Outside Kohl's, on the sidewalk, I gave him some space to let him recover. I reminded him that we only went to the store to LOOK at toys and not to BUY any, and that he has a whole boatload of cars at home. My little man, in typical boy fashion, looked up at me through tear-stained eyes and said, "Mommy, let's go home and play CARS!"

So we did. Again.