A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Friday, October 30, 2009

Photo Friday

Lots of pics from this week. We opened up the hot tub last weekend, and the kids really had fun "swimming" the other day (ok, Aiden did, Ava hated it, lol). We had a playgroup Halloween party yesterday and I even dressed up in my old college Bee costume! Aiden really loved that I dressed up and told me that as long as I promise to dress up on Halloween, "I guess you can come with me trick or treating Mommy."

Aiden refuses to be the Buzz Lightyear costume that he begged me for for weeks--now he is "scared" of Buzz Lightyear I guess. But a good friend lent us a Spiderman costume, and he loves it, so it all worked out. (Did you know that Spiderman also loves to ride hobby horses? lol).

It's unseasonably warm this week here--it's supposed to be 82 degrees tomorrow! Hopefully the kids aren't too hot in their costumes and we can have a really fun day. We have a lot planned--Rock Ranch in the morning, Publix in the late afternoon (they have game and trick or treat stations for the kids) and then trick or treating in our neighborhood before bed. Fun day--lots of pics to come!