A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ENT appt.

What a bad trip we had to the ENT this afternoon. Poor Ava. She failed her ear test again and the Dr. determined that both ear tubes were very clogged up with thick drainage. He had to do a procedure to clean them out, which involved me holding her down (along with 3 nurses--yes, it took FOUR adults to hold down one 21 lb baby), while the Dr. used a microscope and a needle that had suction to go into her ear canal and suck out the drainage from her tubes. It was AWFUL. Ava and I both cried through the whole thing.

Luckily, she seems to be ok. We have to do the antibiotic ear drops for another week and we have a follow-up appt. in a month for more tests to see if the drainage has subsided at all. The Dr. said she just really really needs to get over this never-ending cold, and he thinks that once that happens and she doesn't have the thick green drainage from her nose anymore, then her ears will finally have a chance to clear up. The good news is that we're not doing anything wrong and we just have to continue to flush out her ears periodically and make sure that the opening doesn't get stopped up again.

Please keep her in your thoughts! I just want this all to be over and for her to be well.


Lori said...

soooo sorry barb and ava! we will continue to include ava in our prayers and hope that she recovers from her sickies soon. i'm so sorry that you have to go through this and ava too, what a hard time for your family, hang in there!