A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Clogged ear tube

I took Ava in for her post-op ear tubes appointment today and we got some bad news. She failed her test in her left ear, and the Dr. determined that her left ear tube is clogged. So it is not draining the fluid out and she is undoubtedly in pain from all the pressure building up--which might explain why she spent all night last night screaming bloody murder. I knew something was not right--her left eye has been weeping again, which is the #1 symptom every time she gets an ear infection--but I didn't think that it was possible for the tube to become clogged, otherwise I would have brought her in sooner.

Please cross your fingers for us that using peroxide for a few days will unclog the tube and get the fluid draining out. Otherwise, she will have to have surgery again to unclog the tube using a pin.

Apparently this is a very rare thing to have happen--of COURSE it had to happen to Ava! I swear this little girl has just been through the ringer lately! Poor Avie... :-( Please keep her in your thoughts! (I really need some SLEEP tonight!)