A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cruising and babbling

After months of worrying that Ava would never become mobile and also worrying that she wasn't babbling at ALL--she made a big breakthrough yesterday! She's been taking one or two steps while holding onto furniture, but suddenly she's taken off! She made three trips all the way around the train table today in a matter of minutes. She figured out maneuvering corners and everything--impressive! The only flaw is that since she still can't crawl or pull up on anything herself, she is stuck wherever we put her, lol.

She also started saying "bababababa" and has traded that in for blowing raspberries all day long:) I love it! Mamamama is right around the corner:)

I have tons of video clips (again) to upload--Ava cruising, Aiden singing the ABC's and other songs, the kids playing together, etc. So be on the lookout for new clips this week!

These pics are after a particularly traumatizing fall--she was holding onto the exersaucer and fell onto the hardwood floor. No joke--she cried HARD for 10 minutes straight. I finally got Pinky Bear and she settled down watching Diego. She is SUCH a Drama Queen!! (I wonder who she gets that from?? ;)