A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aiden's artwork

Anyone that knows me well knows that I am not a "saver." Maybe it's because we moved several times when I was a kid, and my mom forced us to learn to become purgers. Maybe it's because I know that clutter in my life just makes me a mess inside, lol. Anyway, when I had kids, I knew I would have to make difficult decisions about what to toss and what to keep. Obviously, I can't keep every art project that Aiden ever does, or we'd have to buy a second house just to keep it all! Enter: the digital camera. It's not the same, of course, but at least I can take pictures of his beautiful work and save it forever in a much smaller space:)

Here are the projects that Aiden has done at school in the past few weeks. They've introduced all the colors now (which Aiden already knows anyway) and have moved on to doing more involved projects like the tinfoil painting. He seems to be liking school, and when I ask him who he likes the best in his class, he tells me it is a little boy named Kunsh (I think he's Indian? or middle eastern?)--Aiden says he is very nice:) His class has a pizza party yesterday for all of the kids and parents to get aquainted, and that was fun to get to see all of the kids in his class interact with each other.