A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Afternoon at the lake

The kids were wired after lunch today--like bouncing off the walls--so I decided to skip naps all together (in hindsight a terrible idea, lesson learned, lol) and head to the lake since they had so much fun there last week. It was nearly 70 degrees today, and sunny at that. We had a nice time digging in the sand and playing on the playground, but they only lasted about 2 hours before the no-nap blues set in big time. Nothing some ice cream and quiet time at the bookstore couldn't cure, and now we are hanging out at home for the rest of the evening and hopefully early bedtime! Thought I would share the pics from this afternoon...


Tia said...

Great pictures, Barbara. I especially LOVE the second one of Ava...so cute! I am dreaming of a day we can go to the beach. Be sure to bring the warm weather with you! :) Good luck with the move.