A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Primping princess

Ava has been so funny this week. I always take a shower after the kids are up and dressed, so they usually just play in their rooms while I shower and get ready. This week, Ava has taken a sudden interest in my routine, and demands that she be included in every step, lol. When she sees me brushing my teeth, she runs into their bathroom and gets her stool and her toothbrush and asks Aiden to put toothpaste on her brush. Then she stands and brushes her teeth for AGES (like 20 minutes this morning!) smiling at herself and exclaiming, "Brush! Brush teeth!" Next she hears me blowdrying my hair and goes to get her play hairdryer. But hers doesn't make noise so then she demands that I actually blowdry her hair (which helps with her static since my blowdryer is an ion dryer, so that's an added benefit, lol). She loves sitting up on the counter while I spray her hair wet and blow it dry. Then she INSISTS on makeup. I give her an old compact and a makeup brush and she sits there dipping the brush into the compact and rubbing it all over her face while I finish up my routine. She always wants "lickstick" too, so she gets some chapstick (which is also helping with her chapped winter lips--more benefits! lol). Finally she pronounces herself, "All done A-ah!" (she can't say Ava so she pronounces her name A-ah) and then insists that I get dressed, "Come on Mommy, dets go. Mommy dressed! Mommy shirt! Mommy tights (she calls all pants tights), mommy dressed!"

It's all very cute but seeing as how this week is the first full week of preschool since early December, I'd better be adding an hour in the morning so we can complete Ava's new beauty routine! Lol.

On the plus side, Aiden has also taken an interest in doing more of his own morning routine himself and is FINALLY (I knew he would do it eventually if I didn't push him into it) dressing himself, brushing his own teeth (with a final check from Mommy, of course), attempting to comb his own hair, and even buckling his own carseat. I've been waiting a long while for him to get into "I'll do it myself" mode so it is nice that it has finally happened:) Let's hope it lasts!

This was a long post--and no new pictures--but I promise I'll take some and post this week:) Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!