A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Housebound and down...with the flu

I have been sick with the flu for seven days now. SEVEN DAYS of aches, pains, a hacking cough, a pounding headache, a fever and a sore throat. It has been no fun at all. The kids and Chuck just started coming down with symptoms yesterday. I can only hope that it is shorter in duration for them and we are all well again next weekend for Aunt Lizzie's birthday visit! (We are turning 29:)

So this week has been very uneventful. We've literally been housebound. I finally busted the kids out yesterday and ran to Michael's to get some things for us to do inside (it's also been raining every day, of course, so playing outside hasn't been possible at all). I've always wanted to buy Aiden one of those fancy lacing sets, but then decided to just go ahead and make him one instead. I bought a pack of colorful laces and used the covers of various coloring books to cut out different pictures for lacing. Punch some holes and voila--homemade lacing cards! It is hard to tell because of his awesome "cheese!" face, but I promise, he likes them! Lol.

I also bought a giant bag of colorful beads and we spent most of yesterday afternoon making bracelets and necklaces, or as Ava calls them, "Pretties!" Nothing like feeling fancy to make you forget you have the flu:)

Here's to hoping that the flu leaves us very soon so that we can rejoin the land of the living! There's nothing I hate more than being stuck at home!


Susan said...

You are such a good mom to do these fun things with Aiden and Ava even though you are sick!