A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wish I had more to report...

Well, it's Wednesday (already?) and I wish I had more to report! Even my muses (Aiden & Ava of course!) haven't been very exciting this week. I know I promised lots of video clips, but I'm having issues there also. For some reason uploading a clip to Youtube takes the better half of an entire day, which can't be normal, can it? Does anyone have any tips for me? I feel like I'm missing something that would make uploading videos much simpler, but I just can't figure it out. It just keeps telling me that it is processing for hours and hours.

At any rate, I will raise my coffee mug and toast to Ava still sleeping at 7:45am, which I am pretty sure is a record, now that I think about it. She's just about to have her 4th molar cut through, so maybe we're finally getting into the sleeping-in stage (hey, I can dream!). But of course the one morning that she sleeps in, Aiden is up at 6:30am. Sometimes a mama just can't catch a break:)

It is also hard to believe that it is already July 22nd. Don't get me wrong, I am more than ready for the summer to be over. I've been taking the kids outside to play right after breakfast, and feeling the cool (75 degrees) breeze is enough to make me swoon. I love autumn and everything that goes with it: crunchy leaves underfoot, long walks and bike rides, playing for hours at the park, sunny skies and cool breezes, and even my birthday (though turning 29 is a little bit sad). I love hot cocoa and Halloween and I'll even embrace the beginning of football season (not to say that my enthusiam stays for long, lol). I am so excited for fall that I can almost smell the burning leave piles right now. Ahhhh....I've always told Chuck that if they actually made a perfume that was "Burning Leaves" I might seriously buy it and wear it. I think he's very glad that they don't! Lol.

I wish I had some new pics to share, but I don't even have that! I promise I'll take some of the kids today!