A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The naptime blues...

I'm sure that most kids are like this, but Ava and Aiden wake up from their naps in the WORST moods ever! I even resort to things like bowls of marshmallows just to get the crying and whining to stop. Some days lately it takes Ava a full 20 minutes to stop screaming and settle down after she wakes up. What gives? I wish I could figure out a magic solution, but it seems they are just slow to wake up and quick to be grumps! As you can tell from Aiden's expression, he had a baaaad case of the post-nap grumps yesterday!

And here are a few more videos. They are mainly of Ava, Aiden doesn't like being video-taped much these days. I haven't figured out how to edit clips taken on my camera yet, I'm working on that though! One of the videos is from Easter morning and the other is from a few days ago.


Carolyn said...

Ugh, Mads was a monster after nap today. Um, if someone let me sleep for an hour in the middle of each day I'd be like ray of freaking sunshine, kid!

I like that second pic of Aiden. He does not look amused. ;)