A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Friday, April 24, 2009

Photo Friday

Just a few photos of the kids enjoying the HOT weather we've had this week! It is supposed to be 90 today--yowza! Is it sad that I'm so proud of how cheap Ava's little swim-set was? $.95 each for the top and bottom, and the hat and shoes were also $1 each, making the entire outfit total under $4. I love a bargain! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Just a quick post to say Happy Earth Day to everyone! At Aiden's school they spent the entire morning outside to celebrate our planet and this amazing spring weather we're having! After lunch the kids and I planted some flowers in pots on the back porch (thank you Susan, as they were a birthday party goody-bag present and we saved them until today!) Having children has definitely made me more aware of my impact on this planet, and I want to make sure that I teach them to treat it well. Chuck is VERY diligent about recycling, and he's certainly made me more aware of the things that I can recycle instead of just throwing away.

Take the opportunity today to "Be Green" and do something wonderful for our planet! Plant some flowers, pick up trash (we're going to take a "trash walk" this afternoon around the neighborhood to clean up!), recycle--anything to help our Earth!

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Native American Proverb

Monday, April 20, 2009


Ava has a new obsession: bubbles. She says it "bubba!" and while this is a mere 1 minute and 30 second clip, we blew bubbles for 40 minutes today and she could NOT stop yelling about it, lol. Too cute:) Aiden is really good at blowing bubbles and loves to blow them for her to pop. Such a good big brother...well, some of the time, lol. The rest of the time I am begging him to please just "leave sissy alone!" :)

It isn't your computer...

it's Youtube that I'm having trouble with on the second video of my last post. Sorry! I'm working on it--I've re-downloaded it several times but nothing is working. Hmmmm. If I fix the problem I'll repost the video! Just wanted to let you all know.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More videos...

I think I'm starting to lose track of all of these video clips! But here are a few more from the past few days. Nothing too exciting, just a glimpse into life with Aiden and Ava! :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hurray for Nasonex!

I realized this morning that I haven't shared this yet on the blog. Remember a month ago when Ava's ENT suggested putting her on Nasonex to see if it might help her sinus problems and constant congestion? Well, it has been MIRACULOUS. Ava is like a whole new child, no crusty nose, no pulling at her ears constantly, no weepy or crusty eyes. Chuck and I were talking about it yesterday and it makes me feel so sad to think that for 6 whole months we thought she just kept getting bad colds, and it turns out that she had terrible allergies, just like her mama! I use Nasonex too, and to put it mildly, it's been my wonder drug. When Chuck made me have an allergy test 2 years ago and I found out that I was allergic to 46 things in the southeastern US--well, I started Nasonex then and my quality of life has improved so much!

Anyway, I wanted to share that because I realized I had never updated about it. If Nasonex needed a spokesperson, you can bet I would be in line! Lol.

Photo Friday

I haven't combed hair yet this morning, but the kids are in a smiley mood, so I couldn't resist snapping some good "cheese!" shots:)

I love this one because Ava thought I was getting her, but I was taking a pic of Aiden, lol

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More videos...

More videos from the last day or two. I am loving taking clips with my digital camera, it is so easy! Makes me sort of wish we hadn't bought the actual video camera--no need for it now! These are also mainly of Ava--sorry Aiden!--but I wanted to post them before they get buried in my youtube account and I completely forget.

Stroller buddies

Thank goodness the rain has stopped (for now) and the weather has been really nice this week. We've been taking a long walk as a family after dinner every night, and have discovered that the secret to keeping Ava from smacking Aiden in the double stroller is...lollipops. I can hardly believe I am bribing my 15 month old with suckers--I don't think I gave Aiden a lollipop until he was almost 2! But, well, sometimes you've gotta do what you gotta do, lol. Ava is a smart little cookie too--last night she saw that I was getting out the stroller and started smacking her lips and licking, holding out her hands and whining for her treat! Little booger!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The naptime blues...

I'm sure that most kids are like this, but Ava and Aiden wake up from their naps in the WORST moods ever! I even resort to things like bowls of marshmallows just to get the crying and whining to stop. Some days lately it takes Ava a full 20 minutes to stop screaming and settle down after she wakes up. What gives? I wish I could figure out a magic solution, but it seems they are just slow to wake up and quick to be grumps! As you can tell from Aiden's expression, he had a baaaad case of the post-nap grumps yesterday!

And here are a few more videos. They are mainly of Ava, Aiden doesn't like being video-taped much these days. I haven't figured out how to edit clips taken on my camera yet, I'm working on that though! One of the videos is from Easter morning and the other is from a few days ago.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pixie Bows!

My dear friend Holly makes the most adorable hair bows for little girls, and her website has officially launched! Visit www.pixiebows.com to see all of her cute bows and make sure to click on "baby snaps" to see a very special Lil' Miss as the baby snaps model! That picture of Ava was taken back in Nov. of last year, so she has a LOT more hair now, but unfortunately she refuses to keep hair bows in her hair--otherwise I might go broke buying bows from Holly!

If you know someone with a little girl, please feel free to pass along the link. I know Holly would appreciate it!

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! We are planning a yummy Easter lunch with a spiral ham, Au gratin potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, rolls, and cherry pie. YUM!! The kids had a great morning finding their baskets and the eggs hidden all over the house. Thank you so much to Granny also for the Cars movie, the pez dispensers (Aiden looooves his!) and the window clings. The kids were so excited!

Here is a quick slideshow of pics from the morning and a video of Aiden going through his basket:

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We've had a very happy and fun Saturday. An egg hunt at Dauset Trails nature center with some friends this morning, then an afternoon of playing in the yard. I scored this Little Tikes climber for $15 on Craigslist, and Ava just loves playing on it. Aiden does too, although he's a bit too big for it! :) Here is a slideshow of random pics (some from the hunt) and a video of Ava playing on her new climber.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Photo Friday

Ava and I are having a lazy morning at home while Aiden is at school, so I thought I would post some pics. These are some of Aiden's new big-boy Cars room. It isn't that much, but he loooves the stickers and the blanket that I hung on the wall.

Ava has a new word: CHEESE! If she even sees me with the camera she gets this goofy smile on her face and yells, "Deeeeeese!" Lol, it's so cute! She's starting to talk more and more, it's great to see. I'll put a list of her words that she is saying now below.

So Ava's words at 15.5 months are:
Duh (duck)
Quack quack
Kiki (for kitty cat)
Ba ba (for her baby's bottle)
Be-be (for baby)
Uh-oh (usually followed by her saying, "Dot it" for "dropped it") Lol
Woo-woo (what she says for train)
Tis (for "Thomas" the train)
Deese! (for Cheese!)
Mooooo! (when she sees a cow)
That's all I can think of for now! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures this weekend of the Easter Egg Hunt and Easter morning of course!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ava feeding her baby

This isn't the best video clip, but I am testing out uploading and posting videos taken on my digital camera instead of the video camera. Chuck upgraded me to a 2GB memory card and I can finally take videos on my camera! Yay! This is a clip of Ava feeding her baby a "ba ba" and Aiden, as always, trying to get in on the action:)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Snuggle buddies

The kids are not usually very affectionate with each other, but it turns out that when it's cold, they like to snuggle, lol. I took these this morning while we had song time on the porch. Aren't they cute? Aiden was really loving all over Ava!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I thought it was interesting that we got almost the same picture of Aiden 2 years in a row at the Cherry Blossom festival. He loved riding this purple jeep last year, and remembered it this year and had to ride it again. Here are the two pics, in selective color. You can really see how much he's grown up in the last year!

Photo Friday

Doesn't Aiden look evil here? Lol
Ava and Mommy

Everyone knows the best way to read a book is while walking!

Enjoying a good laugh and a cart/stroller race!
Snuggle bunny--both of the kids love their blankets!

Aiden snuggling on the couch

Pretending to be asleep...