A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


First, the bad news. Ava has Strep throat. Poor girl. She seemed better today though, and got on more antibiotics, so hopefully the worst has passed. She spent all weekend throwing up and running a temp.

But, the GREAT news...drumroll please...Ava started WALKING tonight!!! Out of absolutely nowhere, she was holding onto the coffee table in the den, let go, and walked 6 steps to me. She kept doing it over and over again (also once walking to Aiden, not realizing that he was NOT going to catch her and yell, "Yay Avie!!!" lol). Chuck got it all on video...but I look ridiculously fat and it cannot be posted here (on the bright side my vigor to lose weight has been renewed! Nothing like seeing yourself on camera to make you realize how fat you are!). I promise to take new video of Ava tomorrow and post it ASAP.

We are so happy! 13 months is by no means "late" to start walking, but it sure felt like it compared to Aiden. I told Chuck that she must have gotten fed up hearing me tell people that she was never going to walk, lol.