A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Just a misc. post on a dreary Wednesday morning. It is very warm here, but drizzling and rainy and about to get cold for the rest of the week. Bummer.

Ava has another double ear infection, poor girl. She's on a new antibiotic now though that tastes a lot better and she's taking very well, so hopefully it clears up quickly because she has been such a grump--and I can't blame her! I remember having so many ear infections as a child and it makes me want to cry for her because I still remember how much they hurt.

Ava also got her third tooth! Her first top tooth, and it's mate is not far behind. So it looks like she will just have 4 teeth by her first birthday. I can't believe it is coming up so soon. She still seems like so much of a baby to me. She started pointing this week though, and has even pointed at the Christmas tree a few times and said "tee!" for tree! She can also point to Zoe or Bailey when I ask her where her kitty cat is. Smart girl :)

Aiden is adjusting to getting back on schedule and going to school. He will have a long Christmas break coming up soon though (we are going to potty train him then, cross your fingers for quick success!).

Here is a pic of the kids and my parents from our trip (great pic!) and also one of our tree which we put up last weekend (and Zoe enjoying the Christmas pillows, lol).

Happy Wednesday!


Lori said...

can't wait to hear about your trip! sorry about ava :( we've had pink eye over here. i'm a scrapblog addict now too!! i'm making my fam books for xmas of our thanksgiving trip so i've been busting my butt every night to finish soon, my house is a disaster!! good luck potty training, i hate cleaning up messes!! can't wait to see ya!