A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Please Remember Me...

I think that this is true for nearly all parents, but I want my children look back upon their childhoods and remember me with fondness in certain very particular aspects. Perhaps, for most of us, this stems from certain wonderful memories from our own childhood that we hope to recreate and emulate for our own children. In that same sense, if we have disappointing or sad memories from our childhoods, we likely hope to spare our children from these same feelings and work our hardest to ensure that they are never in those same situations. It seems that almost daily I am struck by a particular situation or setting in which I think to myself, "I hope my children look back one day and remember this. I hope they remember me being ______." And that's what this little post is about today. For my children, I hope beyond hope that you look back on your childhoods and remember me....

Please remember all the fun summers we had swimming at the Outdoor Y. The picnics, the laughter, the friends. Please remember me as being watchful, but not overbearing, encouraging, but not insistent. Please remember me as being proud of your achievements. Please remember me as being protective of your skin so that you hopefully never need to worry about sunburn or cancer.

Please remember the time we spend reading. Please remember my funny voices, my slow pace, my explanations of words that you might not understand. Please let my love of reading pass into you and carry you through your life.

Please remember our family dinners. Every night we sit together for a home-cooked meal, we talk about our highs and lows, we connect as a family. Please remember that I taught myself how to cook, and that I love teaching you. Please remember that we had full plates, full bellies, and full hearts.

Please remember that I can be silly. Remember our kitchen dances, our sing-at-the-top-of-our-lungs car rides with the windows down. Please remember that I think you have beautiful voices, no matter what tune you sing. 
Please remember that I love you, no matter what. Every time I look at you, I see a little piece of my heart walking around outside my body. My love is fierce, my love is strong, my love is ever-lasting. I am here for you now, tomorrow, and always. 
I'm going to try to be better about blogging. I miss it a lot--writing is always a good exercise for the soul. If you are actually still reading this thing, then thank you! Until next time...