A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Weight of Resolutions

On January 1st, 2010, I watched my husband drive away with all of his clothes and a few of his possessions to live in Ohio without us, until we could sell our house in GA. I was depressed, trying to keep a positive outlook, but knowing that it could take months, if not longer, to sell our house and be able to move to Ohio. I made a resolution that day, for the new year, to lose 30 lbs in 2010. I wanted to be healthier, more active, eat better, and most importantly feel better about myself.

I did not succeed.

As of this morning, I weigh TWO lbs less than I did a year ago. Over the course of the year I did lose 10-15 lbs a few times, and then slowly gained it back again. The typical yo-yo dieter--that's me. The only weight loss "program" I've ever had success on is low-carb, because of my insulin resistance and PCOS, counting calories has never worked for me. We joined the YMCA 2 months ago and I'm actually up 5 lbs from when we joined. Not so successful...though I think everyone has a hard time losing weight between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

My husband, ever one to look on the bright side of things (and for that, I truly love him, he buoys me when I feel like sinking, every time) pointed out that at least I didn't gain any weight this year...and he is right. It is a small victory, and one not to be overlooked in an otherwise very successful year. Because with the stresses of living alone with my kids for 3 months, selling a house, moving 900 miles, buying a house, moving in, and then getting settled and starting our lives over, I suppose I could have easily eaten my anxiety away. But I didn't. I could still get on the treadmill today and run 3 miles (though I didn't...I'll admit that I had leftover pie for breakfast, not my finest moment but no one else was going to jump on that bomb;)

This week is the last of 2010. Next year I will have a 3-yr-old and a soon-to-be-5-yr-old. I will turn 31 years old. My husband will turn 37 (yikes--when did we get so old?). I have new resolutions to make and to keep that will have nothing to do with a number on the scale and everything to do with liking myself a little bit more and hating what I see a little bit less. Because, really, what's in a number?

PS--Did you know that if you Google, "How much does..." the automatic search fill-in is, "How much does Snooki weigh?" That makes me sad:( Granted, the girl shouldn't go around telling everyone she weighs 90 lbs when she clearly doesn't, but she is 4'11" and having your weight so publicly scrutinized must be terrible. I wish society would stop putting so much weight (pun intended) on weight. I hate to think of my little girl growing up hating herself because of a number on the scale...


Seester said...

This one brought tears to my eyes. Only you can truly know the "weight" that weight has had on my life all these years. Here's to loving ourselves more, and paying a little less attention to the number on the scale every morning in 2011 :-)

<3 Seester

P.S. I am eating leftover P.F. Changs right now :-)

Courtney B said...

Great post, Bea...I could of written it myself, as I'm also the yo-yo dieter. I lost 15 lbs in the fall of 09, and I've gained back about 12 of them. It's really frustrating. I have clothes that range in size from 12 to 16!
My new years resolution this year does not involve losing weight either. If I'm happy and treating myself well, it'll come off automatically.
Here's to reaching our goals and just being happy and healthy!

Shahana Shafiuddin said...

Good resolution. I want to loose my weight too