A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas break!

Aiden had his Christmas Program this morning at preschool. He did so great:) He was so cute and really proud of himself, and he really tried hard to sing all of the songs and do all of the actions. We were proud parents!

Chuck did take a lot of video of the program, but I need to get it uploaded and edited. Here are some pictures I took of the kids before we left for school. No bribing even--can you believe it? They were so excited to wear their new Christmas clothes, lol.

No school for 2.5 weeks--I'm glad we have the Y to occupy us and I am really looking forward to Chuck's birthday this weekend, and then Christmas, and then Chuck is taking a week off work and of course then my little Avie turns 3 on New Year's Eve! Exciting December for the Bailey household!