A Little Insight Into All Things Bailey

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still here...

I've been such a bad blogger lately. I am sorry, we're still here. I haven't taken any pictures lately either. I am terrible! But we are getting ready for a short trip to MI on Thursday to visit my sister and my parents, so I am sure I'll take some pictures then. I really miss taking pictures, but it feels like everything is so dreary and gloomy and there isn't much to photograph!

The kids are doing great. Ava has really had a mental growth spurt suddenly and is very interested in doing her 24 piece puzzles, which is great. She's also starting to show more interest in learning the alphabet and numbers, and is making progress with her speech too. She is a chatty girl by nature, but she's starting to make much longer sentences and strangers aren't having such a difficult time understanding her anymore, so that is great! Aiden is as bright as ever. He loves doing his 100 piece puzzles and has become a master colorer. He colored a picture for Valentine's Day that is probably better than I could do, lol. He's working hard on learning to write and starting to take an interest in reading basic sight words (I'm trying not to push him too hard, I don't want to get reading started off on the wrong foot). He is constantly surprising me with the little things he's learned from either school or (sadly, lol) tv. The other day he said to me, "Mom, I bet you didn't know this. There are 50 states in our country and I've lived in two of them, Georgia and Ohio. Isn't that neat?" I was so impressed, he was just so matter-of-fact about it, lol. He loves attempting to tell silly jokes and both of the kids new favorite thing is to watch American Idol with me (I DVR it and then watch it the next day without the commercials). Aiden always wants the silliest contestants to go through to the next round and Ava was so cute, every time someone got a yellow ticket she applauded and yelled, "They did it! They got a ticket, they got three yes's!" She can be so sweet sometimes.

Both kids had their dental check-ups today and no cavities! Ava was scared because of her recent Dr. check-up (she had two shots) and she screamed bloody murder when the dentist came in and told him, "I DON'T LIKE BOYS!!!!" (he thought Chuck would be happy to hear this news, lol). Aiden, however, was AWESOME and told the dentist and the tech all about how he is in love with the new girl in his class and they both couldn't get over how smart and adorable he is:) Two people in the waiting room told me that my kids were the most polite pre-schoolers they'd ever seen, and of course it always makes a mom feel good to hear that from strangers! Lol.

I'm rambling but I thought I would do a quick update on us. Just waiting on spring and excited to visit Lansing for a few days this weekend. It's supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow, bring it on!


Susan said...

I wish I could see your sweet and intelligent little children. :( I miss you guys! I love that Ava told the dentist that she doesn't like boys! How funny. And that is impressive that Aiden is so into coloring--Henry didn't take much interest in *neatly* coloring until he was in kindergarten and some girl told him his picture was ugly. :P